The Movement and Voice Network is an independent, artist led community of practitioners who engage with practices entailing a relation to movement, somatics, voice and wellbeing.
The network offers a creative and nurturing space for practitioners and researchers to engage in collaborative exchange and the sharing of knowledge. It aims to offer opportunities for growth and the cultivation of new directions with regards to voice and movement practices and studies. Members’ work touches on performance practices, experimental pedagogy, ecology and academic research.
Through activities organised by the Network’s founder and core group, members are encouraged to continue their interdisciplinary dialogue. There are opportunities for disseminating practical research around acting, dance and performance practices, ecology, health and wellbeing, as experienced through the interrelationships of movement and voice.
These include workshops, lectures by members and invited guests, conferences, and publications.
Founded by movement and voice practitioner Zoe Katsilerou, the network is open to all and free (via application) to join, for anyone who specialises or contributes to both these areas.
The core group of members consists of …