What lies beneath language?

                                 What lies beneath language?                                                   

As part of the" Invisible Knowledge: Communication without Language" programme at the CCA, Zoe Katsilerou will lead a workshop exploring movement, silence, language and the layering of these elements as a way of communicating in performance.

The workshop is free but booking is necessary. For more information and to reserve a place, please visit:

Details for the workshop:


How can we use our body to build a physical vocabulary?

Can we communicate a story using the language created out of this vocabulary?

What do we choose to physicalise and what to vocalise out of a story and why?

In this workshop participants will be invited to undertake a personal journey/research into their memories, experiences and knowledge. We will dive into the contents and container of the body and imagination as a tool to storytelling. Through guidance, I will encourage them to reflect on which aspects of themselves they could use in order to communicate a narrative. Focus will be placed on encouraging the participants to build a clear physical narrative which will efficiently convey a story of their choice.

The workshop will involve:
• Exploring physicality through movement as description
• Freeing the imagination and the body through group games and improvisations as well as work in pairs and individual work
• Building a basic physical score (movement puzzle) using a fairy tale as a stimulus
• Layering the movement puzzle with language
• Reflecting on the whole process

Participants are required to wear comfortable clothes and memorise a very short fairy tale of their preference.