let’s hold hands the old way

“let’s hold hands the old way” is a multilingual biographical screen-dance project created by Zoe Katsilerou (choreographer, film maker) and Eilon Morris (composer, sound designer). The piece premiered at Unfix NYC in June 2o21 and was presented at City Moves Agency’s DanceLive festival in October 2021.

Provoked by the UK government’s poster on how to wash hands displayed everywhere throughout the pandemic and inspired by our yearning for physical contact, I choreographed an intimate piece of four hands.


The movements sit alongside real memories of holding hands, and the accounts of those sharing them, woven into Morris’ sounds. The stories featured are by Niamh O’Loughlin, Sam Mackay, Fabian Wixe, Prashansa Sharma, Claire and Antoine Grinbaum de Belloy, Judita Vivas, Megan Woodbell, Harden Stark and Lena Petropoulou.

Choreographer/Performer Zoe Katsilerou

Sound Designer/Performer Eilon Morris

‘let’s hold hands the old way’ continues to travel to festivals around the world.

Supported by Kala Sangam