17th June 2018
10am – 5pm
Chandler Hall, near Waterloo, London, SE11 6DU
This 1-day event is a collaboration of vocal research & practice in the field of voice, movement & the body. Three taster workshops (1.5hrs each) will step through differing aspects of voice from:
– The Fitzmaurice Voicework®
– Sound & Movement
– The Vocal Resonances & Anatomy
Concluded with a final collaborative workshop at the end of the day.
Exploring Fitzmaurice Voicework (Michaela Bartovska)
Fitzmaurice Voicework® technique is a physical approach to vocal training. It combines classical voice training methods with variations of body work including yoga, bioenergetics, and Reichian bodywork. This supports actors, singers, performers, public speakers, storytellers and anyone who is interested in authentic vocal expression. We start with relaxation that is followed by a sequence of specially designed postures, accompanied by unique guidelines that support your breathing, sounding and vocal expression.
Moving Words (Zoe Katsilerou)
Through a playful and creative approach, we will explore how words inspire movement and how movement can suggest musicality on spoken text. The workshop will include a rigorous physical warm up, voice work as inspired by Cicely Berry and Frankie Armstrong, improvisation, partner and solo work. This work will develop a deeper understanding on the interlinks between movement, musicality & voice, and the way sound moves.
The Anatomy of Voice & Resonance (Vicky Wright)
From the vocal work developed by Elizabeth Baron & Giovanni Fusetti, we will explore the 10 key resonances of the body. How the body makes sounds & the range of character voices and accents these can create. From this foundation we will take it one step futher, exploring the anatomy behind breath & the effects of vocal resonance on the vagus nerve, & its role in health.