"The whole program changed my posture, my awareness and my confidence and having these sessions has worked wonders on me finding myself again..."
"Working with my voice has had a lasting impact on me that just keeps on giving and giving. Truly healing and empowering work. I highly recommend Zoe's work..."
"During the practice I did with Zoe I could immediately feel the effects of the exercises as tension around my diaphragm, lungs, vocal chords and jaw melted away, leaving a feeling of lightness and deep relaxation throughout my whole body. It felt so nice!! I just wanted to giggle as I felt so joyful releasing this tension and tightness. I never knew how much I was holding on until I felt it all melt away. Having a focus on the voice and the organs which create voice was psychologically empowering and I have felt so much more confidence to express myself."
I am a voice coach, singer, theatre maker and dance artist. I teach groups and individuals, and my interests lie on improving the wellbeing of the voice through tending to cultivating balance in the body. Through individually tailored private sessions, I support my students in finding clearer communication both within performance practices and the everyday.
Exploring breath, vocal resonators and physical blockages, I provide my students with an understanding of how their voices operate in relationship to their minds and bodies. I encourage attentive listening and observing, as a way of creating a safe space for them to encounter their voice's past, and to discover its future potentials.
About the work:
My ethos and approach to voice is rooted in the body. My sessions aim to provide the opportunity for individuals to explore the landscapes of their voice and physicality, and to observe the affect those have on the expression of the self. My approach draws on somatic practices, meditation breathing techniques, pranayama, asanas (hatha yoga poses) and contemporary dance principles, combining those with voice coaching and singing techniques.
In 2015, as part of my research on the relationship between movement and the voice in performance at the MLitt in Theatre Practices at the University of Glasgow, I started investigating the relationships between voice and somatic practices as a means to discover and free one's natural voice. This cross-discipline research led to The Holistic Voice sessions at Yoga Healing Glasgow and Studio 70, and to The Moving Voice Laboratory which has been running successfully between 2016 and 2019, and have visited theatre companies, institutions and universities across the UK sharing this work.
In 2016, I collaborated with Frankie Armstrong in using Archetypes, Armstrong's approach to voice, asa way of exploring expressions of language.
In January 2018, I was invited by Deborah Middleton (Co-director of the Centre for Psychophysical Performance Research) at the University of Huddersfield, to present parts of this research to staff and PhD students of their research department.
In 2019, I became the song leader of Govanhill Voices, community choir in Glasgow, where I arranged and taught a variety of acapela songs including Eastern European, Irish and pop songs.
In 2020, I have limited spaces for one-to-one sessions. These are open to actors, performers, dancers, theatre makers, singers please find more information here.
For enquiries and bookings, please contact me on zoekatsilerou@gmail.com